I'll try to quickly catch you up to what's been going on...so this'll probably be a long post...sorry!
In my last post I mentioned my school losing 2 positions. Well, we had two people volunteer to go to another school. And they weren't happy with us so that is a blessing. They are happier now and I'm happy for them. The rearranging because of the loss wasn't terrible either.
I have lost and gained students and instead of the 19 I had at the beginning, I'm down to 16. And 2 of them didn't start the year with me. Last year I had one of the most stable classes in the school. I only lost 1 students and only gained 3. Now I'm doing the crazy shuffle along with everyone else.
My schedule is INSANE! I teach reading for 3 hours, math for an hour and 45 minutes, and then I get around 20 for grammar/writing and 25 for science OR social studies. I love my schedule, and HATE it, all at the same time.
I did want to share two activities I've done this past chapter. Third grade studies the Universe in science. We're responsible for teaching about stars, the sun, gravity, and telescopes. I always start the chapter off with Magic School Bus Sees Stars. I don't know, I just love it.
Anyway, after we learn about stars and constellations (which is actually not a word my book uses...weird), I read them some constellation stories, and then they make their own.
Last, they rewrite their stories onto fresh paper in their best handwriting.
Gravity is also a big thing in third grade for Florida. I always do a bridge building activity. (This also helps with team-building as well, shh, our secret.)
I give the kids a certain amount of supplies to build their bridge. Halfway through the project I let them vote on whether they want more popsicle sticks or more tape. It's always interesting to see what they vote on.
There's a lot more that's happened...but this is just a snapshot. I'm going to try, really try, to update this more regularly. That's my goal for this next month.
Thanks for sticking out this long post!